Halfway through the year and things are definitely starting to pick up at Central Employment, which can only mean that our clients are picking up too.
I would like to think that Central Employment provide a great solution to long and short term recruitment needs and I believe that one of the ways we do this is by looking beyond the CV. Often recruiters and HR staff only get a very short space of time to assess a CV and if the candidate doesn’t have the strongest CV then they may get overlooked. Although their CV may look weak the candidate’s work ethic and work attitude could be of the highest standard.
At Central Employment we go that extra mile by seeing all of our candidates face to face and looking into “the whites of their eyes”. Once they are registered and all their documents are on our system we then have a 1 on 1, 10 minute chat with them about their previous work history, what they are looking to achieve and their long term goals.
It’s amazing in how such a short space of time through experience that we can work out which of the candidates may be a good fit for our clients and which may not. This really helps Central Employment get the right temps into the right clients. This can then result in long term retention rates by our clients which inevitably can only help increase productivity as not continually having to retrain new starters.
After been around for forty years we really do know what we are doing and maintain these high standards from the longest serving consultant to the newest of starters.
Putting real emphasis on candidate selection, maintaining long term retention in accounts and offering excellent solutions to recruitment needs really does stand us apart from the competition.